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    March Meeting: Your Leadership Coat of Arms

    Date: March 10, 2020, 11:15am – 1:00pm
    Cedar Valley SHRM
    407 E PARK AVE
    WATERLOO, IA 50703
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    Presenter:  Paul Thelen, Univeristy of Iowa

    Presenting: Leadership on Display - Your Leadership Coat of Arms

    Paul is the director of the Larned A. Waterman Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center at the University of Iowa. He leads a team that provides information, guidance, and resources on a range of legal, leadership, and management issues to Iowa’s nonprofit sector. Paul also teaches graduate-level courses at the University focused on the internal and external operations of nonprofit organizations—including advocacy, collaborations, communication, governance, fundraising, leadership, strategy, structure, and beyond. Prior to joining the LAWINRC, he was a two-year fellow at Northwestern University’s Center for Leadership.

    This session starts by asking participants to consider several powerful questions: What are my leadership strengths? In what conditions or situations does my style of leadership thrive? How is our organization structured for leadership? Is it collaborative? Hierarchical? What are the future leadership needs of our organization? By attempting to address these questions—and more—participants will gain insight into how they might lead others, the organization, and themselves!

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