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    Join Now and reap the benefits! 

    Based in the Cedar Falls/Waterloo metro area, members from all over Northeastern Iowa meet each month to share with one another and stay current on HR issues. National members of SHRM are eligible for a discounted CVSHRM member rate of $75 for 2024. All others wishing to participate in chapter events can reach out to for information. Thank you!  

    This membership is well worth the investment with the following list of benefits for CVSHRM members:

    • 11 education presentations covering timely HR topics 
    • 11 continuing education credit hours per year, for both SHRM & HRCI
    • Weekly email communication with relevant content and resources
    • Partial reimbursement for the Iowa State SHRM Conference
    • Financial and educational assistance towards HR certification
    • Access to a members-only job board
    • Networking with other local HR professionals

    We are dedicated to the development and improvement of personnel administration, high standards of performance of its members, and greater recognition of the professional status of Human Resource Management. Join our efforts and become a member of CVSHRM today!

    How to Join

    Please click the button below to submit our online application.